

Lead an OSINT workshop with teenagers

Help young people learn how to use an OSINT challenge platform by running a workshop in a school.

Complexity : Intermediate

Public : School-university

Duration : Brief

  • Teenagers

  • Pedagogy

  • Facilitating groups

  • 1 day per semester


Run a 1-hour workshop in a secondary school to teach students the basics of digital hygiene by solving OSINT challenges.


1 – Promote OSINT and its principles.

2 – Spread digital skills and safe online behaviour.

3 – Stimulate interest in cybersecurity.

Course of action

  1. 1

    Learn how to use one of the OSINT platform available.

  2. 2

    Surf the platform and solve a few challenges.

  3. 3

    Download the provided teaching materials.

  4. 4

    Confirm the teaching process of the workshop with the teacher.

  5. 5

    Lead the workshop with the students.

Available resources

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