

Mentoring a woman in her cyber career

Take part in a mentoring programme for several months with a woman who wants to work in cybersecurity.

Complexity : Expert

Public : Professional

Duration : Long

  • Cybersecurity students

  • Cybersecurity professionals

  • Women in career transition

  • Pedagogy

  • Empathy

  • 5 years' experience in cyber

  • 1 hour of training

  • 1 hour every 2 weeks


The mentoring aims at  :

  • Enhance the mentee’s skills (technical skills, project management, etc.);
  • Define the mentee’s career plan;
  • Help her find a work placement or a job.

It consists of weekly meetings between the mentor and the mentee.


1 – Become a mentor

2 – Increase the number of women in cyber

Course of action

  1. 1

    Learn more about the organisations proposing mentoring programs (see available resources).

  2. 2

    Contact the organisation of your choice to discuss how to get involved.

  3. 3

    Train to become a mentor.

  4. 4

    Support the mentee during regular meetings.

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