

Promote and contribute to Cybermoi/s

Visit the Cybermoi/s calendar to find out about cyber awareness events across France.

Complexity : Beginner

Public : Adult

Duration : Brief

  • Companies

  • Local authorities

  • Associations

  • Administrations

  • Communication

  • Popularising knowledge

  • 10 min


As part of the European Cyber Security Month organised by the European Union Agency for Cyber Security, Cybermoi/s aims at promote cybersecurity in France to provide a better understanding of the cyber threats and how to address them.

Consult and enrich the agenda available on listing all cyber awareness events throughout France in October. The platform also provides awareness-raising resources and content for creating your own actions.


Share cyber awareness event and enable as many people as possible to take part.

Course of action

  1. 1

    Create your own cybersecurity awareness event thanks to the resources available on the Cybermoi/s website.

  2. 2

    Register your awareness event using the form on

  3. 3

    Check the events in the Cybermoi/s agenda from September.

Available resources

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