

Present the methodology for assessing the carbon footprint of cybersecurity within your organisation

Present the methodology for assessing the carbon footprint of cybersecurity to your organisation's cybersecurity and/or CSR manager.

Complexity : Intermediate

Public : Professional

Duration : Brief

  • CISO

  • Head of CSR

  • CIO

  • Knowledge of cybersecurity

  • Knowledge of the methodology

  • Communication

  • Ability to convince

  • 2 to 3 hours


Initiate a first reflection on the deployment of the methodology for assessing the carbon footprint of cyber security within an organisation in order to assess cyberseucrity issues from an environmental impact perspective.


1 – Promote the methodology within your organisation

2 – Reduce the environmental impact of cyber activities within your organisation

Course of action

  1. 1

    Learn about the methodology (cf. available supports).

  2. 2

    Contact the C4T team to find out more about the methodology and answer your questions.

  3. 3

    Present the methodology at your organisation's cyber plenary sessions or at a dedicated meeting with your CISO and/or CSR Manager.

  4. 4

    Request a new meeting with the C4T Team to launch the assessment within your organisation.

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