

Deploying the methodology for assessing the carbon footprint of cybersecurity

Help public and private organisations assess the carbon impact of their cybersecurity measures.

Complexity : Intermediate

Public : Professional

Duration : Long

  • CISO

  • Head of CSR

  • Knowledge of cybersecurity

  • Knowledge of evaluation methodology

  • 35 to 50 days


The cybersecurity environmental impact assessment methodology helps organisations to identify the security measures that have the biggest impact on CO2 emissions, and to identify the measures that should be prioritised in order to reduce them.


1- Aider les organisations à mesurer et à réduire l’impact environnemental de leurs mesures cyber.

2- Deploy and promote the methodology.

Course of action

  1. 1

    Read about the methodology (see available resources).

  2. 2

    Contact the C4T team to find out more about the methodology and answer your questions.

  3. 3

    Learn how to use the methodology.

  4. 4

    Deploy the methodology within an organisation.

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